Free Drum Lessons on the Web

Drum lessons are available all over the Internet but, all too often, the prices are high and the quality is low. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, improve your technique with quality drum lessons at the right price: Free! Enjoy these links to free drum lessons that include studies for all major percussion instruments, including: Vibes and Marimba, Timpani, concert and military Snare Drum, Drumset, and much more.
Bill's Free Online Drum Lessons
Learn how to improve your hand and foot chops, increase your four-way coordination,
learn Buddy Rich's secret techniques, and much more in a continuing series
of free drum lesson articles by Tiger Bill Meligari.
Bill's Free Video Drum Lessons
Improve your hand and foot chops with the Tension-Free Techniques made famous
by Tiger Bill in a series of continuing monthly lessons, exclusively for the
DRUM! Magazine Web site.
Check out this new site from the UK, specializing in Free Online Drum Lessons.
Dance Drumming
Here's a basic introduction to African Dance Drumming, including descriptions
of the drums and percussion instruments used.
Drum School
Here's some online lessons for beginners, complements of Dave "Bedrock" Bedrosian.
Included are hand exercises, rudiments, and basic rock beats for the
drum set. Also, advice on tuning and setting up your drums, and practicing.
Learn a basic bongo rhythm pattern, the Martillo, on this site compliments
of Trevor Salloum, author of The Bongo Book.
Lessons Database
Drum Bum features hundreds of external links to free drum lessons on the
Web, organized by topic.
Tab Lessons and More
Click the above link and scroll down the page until you get to the DRUM section.
You'll find over a dozen lessons including the 3-part How
To Read/Write Drum Tabs.
A Quick and Dirty
For beginners, this includes an intro to the Doumbek, basic strokes, and
a basic rhythm. By Mas'ud al-Sha'ir, ourtesy of
Circle – Getting Started
Guide for newbies to the world of drumming and the drum circle. Reach
out and touch someone, through drumming.
Studies for vibes but adaptable to marimba and xylophone as well, from
James Walker. Lessons include mallet selection, stickings, 4-mallet exercises,
chord voicings, classical and jazz techniques, solos, vibe pedaling, jazz
theory, and more. Check it out.
Terms Glossary
If you think Adagio, Allegro, and Andante are three Italian pastries,
then you need this site. Learn as many of these terms as you can. They'll
come in handy when you're reading music. Courtesy of The Classical Music
Web site at
An introduction to Polyrhythms, with some exercises that range in difficulty
from intermediate to advanced. From Marc Zoutendijk's site.
- Five Against Four
How's your coordination? Here are some exercises for advanced drum set
players, compliments of
Here's a chart of the Standard 26 American Drum Rudiments along with 14
more than make up the official 40 PAS Drum Rudiments.
Click this
link for some basic info on the Steel Drum and the above link
for a cool, interactive Steel Drum Lesson where you can practice your
lesson with a virtual steel online drum.
The Rolling Thunder Taiko Resource presents this online tutorial on the
rhythm of Kitakami Sansa-daiko. Audio is available to enhance your experience.
Here are a couple of lessons on the Riq (Egyptian Tambourine) by Randy
Gloss of Hands On'Semble, a contemporary percussion quartet.
Solos and Exercises
Timpani solos and exercises written by Marc Zoutendijk. Challenging for
the intermediate timpanist
Drum Studio
Mike Synder's site contains a good collection of exercises for building
your coordination on the drum set. Including a real nice Jazz Samba, some
swing independence exercises, and an intro to "Linear Drumming."
You Wish You Had Monster Chops?
Free drum lessons can only take you so far, to get to the next level
you need custom drum lessons. Check out Tiger Bill's Custom Internet
Drum Lessons and learn the secrets to building your own Monster Chops.